must-haves for 30 days of mindful movement

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We kicked off my new course, 30 days of mindful movement, today!

This post is to help anyone who is suddenly working out at home….or working from home…or who is under a stay at home order just like my home state of Arizona…basically the whole world.

What a weird year this has been.

I’ll be very blunt and tell you that it’s been hard for me to write about products I love, little self care luxuries I enjoy, and all of these blessings when the world is suffering so much. I really struggle with it.

AND, I know that despite the pain, suffering, and uncertainty we are all facing, everyone needs a little escape now and then. For me, I find it in cute, functional clothes and comforting things.

What do you do to care for yourself in these difficult times? I would love to hear.

back to our regularly scheduled programming…

I am going to highlight some of my favorites for acclimating to life at home. When I can, I’m sharing locally-owned, small businesses. These are the people my heart hurts for the most (and yes, being a small business owner makes it especially poignant. I am so appreciative of every comment, every share, every subscriber, every client, each participant in my new course, for allowing me to do what I love to do by supporting my work. I am very lucky!).

Must have number one: lululemon align tights


Hello from my new filming studio! Also. I may need to fire my new assistant for sleeping on the job.

lululemon align tights are one of my all-time faves: I feel like I’m wearing my pjs, except I have the benefit of being showered and fully dressed!

I paired my align tights with a long, flowy tank. lululemon has several awesome options in their new loungewear capsule. Shop my link below!

Must have number two: Accessorize!!!!


I make a little nook where I can go and retreat whenever I need a little “me” time…with both Brian and I working from home now (and abiding by the stay at home order), my space is so important to me.

In this nook, I have ACCESSORIES!!!! (He calls it clutter.)

Blankets, cushions, supportive bolsters/blocks, are some of my must-haves for at-home yoga. Shop my favorites by clicking the button below!

Must have number three: CBD balm + soaks


Simple Jane is:

  • women owned ☑️

  • small local business ☑️

  • community oriented ☑️

  • high quality ingredients ☑️

  • something I use daily ☑️

I’m obsessed. Their balm and bath salts are staples in my self care routine. If you are participating in my online course, you will see the products featured very soon….

Final must have: everything on my amazon list

Half kidding, but really….

I’ve linked all of my favorite Amazon things on four different lists. PS, I miss my office!

What are your favorites? I would love to hear….

Until next time. Stay safe, stay connected, stay home. And wash your hands!