create your calm: 3 ways to cope through covid


We are living through a time of uncertainty unlike any other in recent history

Thats pretty stressful, am I right?

Last week a combination of all the stressors really hit me. I didn’t know exactly what was “wrong,” I just felt overwhelmed, exhausted, and insecure.

Fortunately, I was able to recognize that this funk was my body’s way of asking for help with stress. Today I’m sharing what I did to support myself through it.

here are three ways to cope

When I’m overwhelmed, I struggle to think of ways to take extra good care of myself — and that’s normal! Our brains are wired to help us survive; in times of stress practicing calm a luxury our brains can’t prioritize.

However, we can soothe stress by choosing to take a minute or two to downregulate our nervous systems.

care kit

One of my favorite tips is to create a self care kit to have at the ready when I need it. That way I don’t have to scrounge around for my go-to items when I’m already stressed out.

Would you like to see what’s in my kit? Comment or email me! I’d love to hear what you would put in yours.


I have found, through a lot of practice, that I respond well to doing something creative. Usually when I’m stressed, I feel anything but creative….so I have to be kind + patient with myself.

My go-tos:

  • drawing

  • coloring

  • writing

  • singing or strumming my guitar

  • crossword puzzles

How do you like to create? I’d love to know!


This is the hardest one for me, but the most important. When we are under stress, our bodies go into a sympathetic nervous system response, commonly known as fight, flight, or freeze. One proven way to shift back into a parasympathetic response (rest and digest), is through connection.

Here are a few ways I chose to practice last week:

  • gentle yoga

  • breathwork

  • stretching

  • sitting or walking outside

  • cuddling my pups

  • using essential oils, lighting a candle

  • calling friends/loved ones

If it seems like a lot, it was! But I find that at different points I respond to different ways to connect. Also, since the sources of my stress aren’t going away, I need to do consciously check in and practice these tools.

I hope that these tools help you, and I’d love to hear From you!

Wishing you health and wellbeing. Thank you for reading! Please share with someone who would benefit from these tips.